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Davis Tackle - Royalty Fishery

The Royalty Fishery is England's most famous mixed coarse and game angling venue. Steeped in angling history the fishery has produced record barbel, chub pike and salmon and produces regular double figure barbel to the visiting angler. The fishery also produces quality roach and dace for the angler who wishes to float fish in the traditional Avon way, along with carp to over 30lbs, pike to 38lbs, double figure bream, perch to nearly 5lbs with regular catches making the angling press as headline news.

The Fishery caters for all forms of angling techniques from long trotting the fast flowing gravel glides to stalking the large river carp in the slacks and side streams.

The Fishery is open to the general public for day tickets plus selected limited night fishing on the Main River and Compound. Tickets will give access to all the famous swims, including Fiddlers, Trammels, The Pipes, Harrigans, and the Railway. 20 tickets per day are also made available to Ringwood & DAA members exclusively from Davis Tackle.

All anglers must obtain a permit from Davis Tackle before going onto the fishery. "Just having a look" is not allowed except from the public footpath.

Davis Tackle deal with all Royalty Fishery permit sales including advance bookings to fish the Bridge Pool, Parlour Pool and Top Weir Compound. Day and week prices are published on our Royalty Fishery Prices pages. All the Royalty "Main River" salmon season rods are let and there is a waiting list. Day permits for salmon & sea-trout fishing on the "Main River" from June 16 - October 31 are available. Additionally, this season sees the introduction of a new ticket offering salmon fishing on the "Lower Water" from 1st. April until the 15th June.

Pike fishing is permitted on the Royalty from October 1st to March 14th only. All fish are to be returned unharmed. All anglers are strictly forbidden from bringing any live freshwater fish (coarse or game) onto the Royalty Fishery. In effect this means that sea fish (deadbait), commercially sold and sealed freshwater dead baits along with fish caught on the fishery are the only fish baits permitted. Spinning and fly fishing for pike is permitted from October 1st. until 31st January. When pike fishing the following additional rules apply on the Royalty Fishery:-

  • All pike anglers must be in possession of forceps which must be at least 10" in length. 
  • Pike hooks must be semi-barbless and wire traces must be used at all times with non lure-fishing traces being at least 18 inches in length.
  • When pike fishing, line must be a minimum of 15lbs breaking strain mono or 30lb braid although the fishery recommend using mono of 20lbs due to the size of the specimens present.
  • A suitable large landing net with minimum 36 inch arms if triangular or 30 inches if round.
  • All pike must be returned unharmed to the water without delay.
  • Please contact Davis Tackle on 01202 485169 during business hours if you are in difficulty and they will endeavour to contact the keeper to assist you.

The fishery is open seven days a week from June 16th to March 14th. Every angler must obtain a permit from Davis Tackle before going onto the bank. No one is allowed on the bank without a permit, or before 7.30am and you must leave the fishery by one hour after sunset (except on the bookable "Pools" where different rules apply). Please do not leave unattended vehicles blocking the access to the fishery, even for a few minutes!

Please report any interesting catches to the Fishery Manager or Davis Tackle - photos welcome but please return fish as quickly as possible. If you have any news or photos of catches from The Royalty please
contact us.

Enjoy your fishing and tight lines.

1 Royalty Fishery Report - 6th July 2012
2 Royalty Report - 29th June 2012
3 Royalty Fishery Report - 23rd June 2012
4 Royalty Archive - June - Oct 2011 (To be completed)
5 Royalty Fishery Report - March 2012
6 Royalty Fshery Report - February 2012
7 Royalty Fishery Report - January 2012
8 Royalty Fishery Report - December 2011
9 Royalty Fishery Report - November 2011
10 Royalty Game Report - 23rd March 2012
11 Royalty Fishery Report - October 2011
12 Royalty Fishery Report - September 2011
13 Royalty Fishery Report - August 2011
14 Royalty Fishery Report 31st July 2011
15 Royalty Game Report - End of Salmon Season Summary
16 Royalty Fishery Report - July 2011
17 Royalty Game Report - 28th August 2011
18 Royalty Game Report 12th. August 2011
19 Royalty & Throop Test Report #2
20 Royalty Game Report - 20th July 2011

Davis Tackle Shop

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