This fishery is situated roughly a mile above the top boundry of the famous Royalty but is not so well known. The fishery extends from Sopley Mark to Winkton Lower Weir and includes the productive Sidestream. Day tickets have been available for many years but its popularity has never been as high as its downstream cousin, but historically large specimens of most of the species present in the Avon were captured. It is recognised locally as a difficult water where many hours of dedicated effort may be required if it is to offer up one of its large resident barbel or chub.
However, for an angler who wants a days fishing on the Avon, but prefers a quieter day, then this is a place to consider. The fishery is home to some large roach, chub, barbel and pike as well as holding some carp of very acceptable proportions. Big dace and some grayling are also present. Don't expect to bag up as it is not that type of fishery but it can offer an interesting and challenging days fishing in beautiful surroundings. |
For those who enjoy a day with the float, bags of silver fish with the odd chub and roach mixed in can been taken. Rumour has it that some good bream have also been caught but no further details are available at present. A few grayling have been reported but these have been few and far between. The fishery holds some excellent pike to well over 20lbs which respond well to both live and deadbaiting techniques. Please note that spinning is not permitted, nor may any coarse fish be brought onto the fishery. |
Please note that there will be no Winkton Fishery Reports published for the forseeable future as the Christchurch Angling Committee have stated that they do not want them published for this venue. |